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Food Allergies
How Can Food Allergies Affect You?
How Can You Test for Food Allergies?
Can Poor Digestion Cause Allergies?
What Can You Do About It?

How Can Food Allergies Affect You?
Food allergies can affect you in so many ways it's almost impossible to name them all. Worst of all, the symptoms of food allergies are often attributed to other causes and most mainstream health professionals never think to test for them. Here's just a few of the conditions that can be caused by food allergies:
indigestion, heart burn, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, diarrhea, headaches, sinus problems, post-nasal drip, bronchitis, flu, sleep apnea, snoring, neuralgia and neuritis, adult diabetes, PMS, skin problems like itching and rashes, weight problems and obesity, and much more.
Many of you may already suffer from these problems, shouldn't you test yourself for food allergies before your doctor prescribes drugs and surgery?
How Can You Test for Food Allergies?
The most common and successful test is "The Elimination Diet"
Eat just one food for ten days and look for the elimination of your symptoms. If after 10 days there is no change in your symptoms, you have ruled out that food as the cause. If your symptoms begin to clear up, you may have found your problem. Your next step would be to start adding foods back into your diet one at a time. When one causes symptoms, put it on your allergy list until you have tested all the foods you are generally eat.
Since this diet is tough for most people, the next best thing is to just eliminate the most commonly known allergenic foods for ten days. These foods are:
wheat and wheat products, rye, milk, and milk products, pork, soybeans, chocolate, peanuts, white sugar and white sugar products, caffeine, eggs, shellfish, citrus, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, mushrooms, white potatoes, cayenne, corn, and beef.
This can also be a tough diet for most people to follow. If you cannot stick to all of it for ten days, then at least do a ten-day milk and wheat elimination diet. It is not uncommon for people to eliminate problems they have had for years or decades just by eliminating wheat and/or milk.
Make sure to do this therapy for at least ten days. Testing foods by elimination is pretty easy but remember that if you're constantly eating processed foods with hundreds of chemicals, any of them may be causing your problem. So during testing periods, stick to eating only whole, real foods that you can test one at a time.
Can Poor Digestion Cause Allergies?
Believe it or not, you are not just what you eat, but what your body digests. Here's why. Your digestive tract is designed to digest food in stages. Your mouth and stomach start the digestive process. Then the food goes to the intestine for further digestion, etc. If one stage breaks down, the partially digested food that is passed along is not ready for the next stage. When this partially digested food finds its way onto the lining of the small intestine to be absorbed, it can be seen by the body as an allergen which then triggers an immune or allergic reaction. It's the allergic reaction that can cause any of the conditions we've discussed earlier. That is why it is so important to help your body maintain proper digestion so that your not having constant allergic reactions.
It is our experience that most of our digestive problems begin with the stomach. Americans are addicted to over the counter "antacids" and stomach "remedies" designed to reduce the amount of acids in your stomach. When in fact their indigestion and heart-burn are being caused by not having enough stomach acids and beneficial enzymes to digest their food properly. It becomes a vicious circle where the "antacids" you take for the symptoms actually reduce the acids and enzymes you need to properly digest your food.
What Can You Do About It?
Fill out our Symptom Survey Form and take the supplements we suggest to improve your digestion, you may find out that you have suffered all these years needlessly.
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