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Blood Type Diet
What is the Blood Type Diet?
How can I find out what type I am?
What are some beneficial foods for my type?
What are some foods I should avoid?
How can Your Nutrition help you lose weight?
What is the Blood Type Diet?Back To Top
If you’ve ever suspected that not everyone should eat the same thing or do the same exercise, you’re right. Your blood type reflects your internal chemistry. It actually determines the way you absorb nutrients. What foods you absorb well and how your body handles stress differ with each blood type. The basics of the Blood Type Diet are that people have different metabolic needs which relate to, among other things, their blood type.
How can I find out what type I am?Back To Top
You definitely have to find out your blood type. You can get this information from test kits available from your pharmacy or on-line, from your doctor or even donate blood and ask the blood bank for your type.
What are some beneficial foods for my type?Back To Top
If your blood type is O:
  • You are more of a carnivore by nature. You need to consume high protein foods like meat and fish.
  • Fruits and vegetables are also very good for you.
  • Cut out wheat and most other grains.
  • Engage in vigorous aerobic exercise.
  • Your risk factors for ulcers and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis increase if you eat incorrectly for your type.
  • Seafood, liver, red meats, celtic sea salt, kale, broccoli, and spinach are beneficial foods for you.
If your blood type is A:
  • You are more of a natural vegetarian.
  • Vegetables, grains, beans, legumes, and fruits are good.
  • Engage in gentle exercise such as yoga or golf.
  • Meditate to deal with stress.
  • Your risk factors for cancer and heart disease increase if you eat incorrectly for your type.
  • Some seafood and tofu are also beneficial.
If your blood type is B:
  • You should have the most varied diet of all the blood types, including meat; yours is the only blood type that does well with dairy products.
  • Meat, Dairy, grains, beans, legumes, fruits, and vegetables are all good for you.
  • Engage in exercise such as moderate swimming or walking.
  • Your risk for slow-growing viruses that attack the nervous system increases if you eat incorrectly for your type.
If your blood type is AB:
  • You have most of the benefits and intolerances of types A and B. You are an omnivore in moderation. You can eat most foods, but just not as freely as a Type O person.
  • Engage in calming exercises and relaxation techniques.
  • You have the friendliest immune system of all blood types
  • Meat, seafood, dairy, tofu, fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and legumes can all be consumed beneficially.
What are some foods I should avoid?Back To Top
If your blood type is O:
  • If you are over weight, avoid wheat, corn, beans, lentils, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower.
If your blood type is A:
  • If you are over weight, you need to avoid meat, dairy, kidney beans, wheat, and lima beans.
If your blood type is B:
  • Chicken may not be good for you. If you have a weight problem, avoid corn, wheat, lentils, peanuts, sesame seeds, and buckwheat.
If your blood type is AB:
  • If you have a weight problem, avoid red meat, kidney and lima beans, seeds, corn, and buckwheat.
How can Your Nutrition help you lose weight?Back To Top
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